Sunday, 10 May 2009

Workers' Candidates For a Workers' Europe

In the South East, as the biggest constituency in the UK there are 10 candidates on the list. The No2EU - Yes To Democracy slate is one that has Trade Union and Socialist Campaigners from across the region.

The Candidates are:

Professor Dave Hill – Former East Sussex Labour Group leader, long standing Socialist and Trade Union Activist.

Garry Hassell – RMT executive committee

Kevin Hayes – Ford worker, Unite

Owen Morris –Construction worker and supporter of Lindsey and Olympic site protests

Gawain Little – Teacher and CND National Council member

Robert Wilkinson – NUT Wokingham and District Secretary

Jacqui Berry – Medway trades council president

Nick Wright – Graphic designer and teacher

Nick Chaffey – Youth worker, Unison Activist

Sarah Wrack – Student Campaigner Sussex University, Youth Fight For Jobs Steering Committee.

Workers' Candidates for a Workers' Europe.